Applications are due: April 11th, 2011 by 5pm
The positions are open to all. Only applicants accepted for interview will be contacted.
Send your CV and cover letter to

Campus Crops is hiring a Garden Coordinator. The position would be responsible for

- day to day operations in the garden: setting gardening hours with volunteers, planting, building self-watering containers, weeding, harvesting, etc.
- collaborating with Midnight Kitchen to hold monthly food politics workshops or events
- community outreach, holding activities for summer camps, recruiting volunteers
- collaborating with Santropol Roulant's Edible Campus Garden on workshops, events, and volunteer base
- preparing a workshop for RadFrosh at the end of August
- attending weekly meetings with Midnight Kitchen staff to check-in on tasks and send out an update to the collective
- liaise with administration on campus (SSMU, SPF, MSE, Grounds, etc.)
- design and facilitate a training for new collective members in the fall (including an overview of our mandate and consensus decision-making)
- prepare an extensive written job report to be presented to the collective at the end of September

Details: 25-30 hours/ week, $5000. Position duration: May 1 – September 15.

Campus Crops is an urban gardening initiative at McGill University's downtown campus. We have been running a garden behind the McGill School of Environment building at 3534 University for three years. Last summer we expanded to the terrace space behind the James Admin building and built a self-watering container garden. If you have any questions feel free to email or check out our blog for what sort of things we've done in the past!

- Ability to work autonomously
- Strong organizational skills
- Strong knowledge of political, social, economic and environmental issues
- Commitment to social change and to Campus Crops' mandate of social and environmental justice and ability to apply this to all aspects of the job (see link for mandate)
- Ability to work in English
- Ability to plan events as a team
- Knowledge of urban agriculture and/or food preservation
- Familiarity with Campus Crops’ and Midnight Kitchen's work
- Familiarity with Montreal-area community groups
- Ability to speak French
- Ability to preform the physical talks involved with garden upkeep
We welcome a diversity of applicants including those from traditionally marginalized groups, and we encourage you to mention this in your application.


All the paid positions begin on May 1, and will go until September 17.
The positions are for 12-15 hours per week.
Applications are due: April 11th, 2011 by 5pm
The positions are open to all. Only applicants accepted for interview will be contacted.
Send your CV and cover letter to

NOTE: You are welcome to apply for more than one position. Please let us know if you are willing to do a position different from the one that you’ve applied for.

NOTE: We ask that you provide 2 art samples (in .jpg format) if you apply for this position.

Responsibilities include:

* Collect and test accessible and affordable vegan cooking recipes, and compile them into a bilingual cookbook
* Compile a bilingual “History of MK,” by collecting anecdotes from past and current collective members (can be included as a section in the Cookbook)
* Organize the publication/distribution of the Cookbook/History Zine, including a launch party. Distribute it to both groups within Montreal and to food collectives in different cities
* Design, print, and distribute new outreach materials including pamphlets, booklets, posters, buttons, stickers, postcards, etc.
* Update the MK website to include excerpts of the Cookbook/History Zine, and new MK publicity material
* Work with the Administrative/Operations Coordinator to fund these projects, and ensure that project costs remain within the allocated budget
* Provide weekly progress updates to the Midnight Kitchen collective via email
* Attend collective meetings, reporting on the progress of the Cookbook/History Zine and new publicity materials
* Assist in coordinating caterings
* Coordinate training for the Fall 2011 staff
* Work with the other Midnight Kitchen summer staff and the Campus Crops Garden Coordinator for support and accountability

Desired Skillsets:
* Knowledge of (radical) food politics
* Graphic design skills
* Visual art skills
* Organized and able to work autonomously
* Creative and flexible
* Strong writing skills
* Copy-Editing (asset)
* Vegan Cooking Skills (asset)
* Bilingual writing competency (asset)


Responsibilities Include:
* Keep finances organized and transparent
* Manage daily operations
* Maintain communication with SSMU (Student Society of McGill University) executive
* Work with the SSMU VP of Finance to create a budget for the 2011-2012 year
* Coordinate bulk food orders
* Create an account with a new bulk food provider
* Work with the Cookbook, History Zine and Publicity Materials Coordinator to find funding for their projects, ensuring that they remain within allocated budgets
* Clean and reorganize the office and kitchen
* Make small purchases of new tools (with feedback from collective members and volunteers)
* Research into purchasing large equipment and apply for grants to facilitate these purchases
* Work with SSMU’s VP of Clubs and Services to coordinate the upgrade of room 302
* Research the logistics of serving breakfast and provide a report to the collective in September
* Provide weekly progress updates to the Midnight Kitchen collective via email
* Attend collective meetings, reporting on finances, kitchen logistics, and daily operations
* Draft the job contracts for Fall 2011 staff, and submit them into SSMU
* Work with the other Midnight Kitchen summer staff and the Campus Crops Garden Coordinator for support and accountability

Desired Skillset:
* Knowledge of (radical) food politics
* Incredible organization skills
* Able to work autonomously
* Good with numbers, accounting
* Strong communication skills
* Knowledgeable of SSMU finances and administration (asset)
* Experience in applying for grants (asset)
* Bilingual (asset)


Responsibilities Include:
* Organize monthly workshops/events on food politics (co-coordinate with the Campus Crops Garden Coordinator)
* Assist the Cookbook, History Zine and Publicity Materials Coordinator in promoting/distributing the History Zine/Cookbook, including the launch party
* Research local grocers who may be willing to donate fresh produce to MK
* Work to strengthen our relationship with our current grocery donors
* Check the email account everyday
* Maintain and update the MK website / Facebook page
* Communicate with groups about Catering Requests and Kitchen Booking Requests
* Coordinate caterings (including the Anarchist Bookfair)
* Work to build relationships with other food security groups in Montreal
* Organize a food safety training for the collective in September
* Provide weekly progress updates to the Midnight Kitchen collective via email
* Attend collective meetings, reporting on new catering requests and outreach work
* Organize the hiring committee for the Fall 2011 staff
* Coordinate training for the Fall 2011 staff
* Work with the other Midnight Kitchen summer staff and the Campus Crops Garden Coordinator for support and accountability

Desired Skillsets:
* Knowledge of (radical) food politics
* Organized and able to work autonomously
* Creative and flexible
* Outgoing
* Good communication skills
* Photography/artistic skills (asset)
* Bilingual (asset)
* Vegan cooking skills (asset)

***This call-out is only in English because all hired individuals must be proficient in reading, writing and speaking in English***

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