Take time to make notes & review

The unseasonably warm temps we have had the late fall and early winter have had me fighting with the feeling that spring was already here until just a few days ago.  January has finally decided to show up for those of us in the northern Great Plains and has now confined many of us inside our homes for the time being.  Unfortunately, just because the cold has arrived doesn't mean that I am not itching to be outside and getting ready for another growing season.  So what can a itchy green thumb do on a cold January day?

1.  Start or update your garden journal/log.  I don't know about you, but my memory gets fuzzy after a few months let alone years & I truly appreciate the little notes & reminders I have in my spreadsheet turned journal!
-record what you planted and how many
-note any disease issues or other problems you encountered
-note successes
-note things you would like to repeat or try different

2.  Do an inventory.
-this is my inventory for last season
-remove seed you won't reuse & pass them on to someone else
-note any seeds you know you need and start a 'Need to Purchase' list
-note any tools you need to replace if you feel like venturing into your storage shed

3.  Make a preliminary 'Plant This Year' list.
-this is my plant list for last season
-make note of any plants that you will need to either started indoors or purchase started from a greenhouse
-again note any seeds to be added to your 'Need to Purchase' list

4.  Review Seed and Nursery catalogs. Check out my post from last year about garden catalogs and what to think about if your thinking about purchasing from one.
-get inspired! ;) 
-check out new varieties or new plants that you might like to try

5.  Research new techniques and/or tools to try in the coming season.
-cold frames? (I want to try out one or two these sometime!)
-new irrigation methods?
-starting a compost pile?
-vertical gardening?
-organic gardening?
-the possibilities are endless!!!!!

Is there anything else you do in January to keep your green thumb busy?

Happy Garden Planning! :)

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