On the Menu This Week

For the last several years I have challenged myself to focus on using from my pantry and shop less... a Pantry Challenge.  With the end of February, this year's pantry challenge is complete but I have really enjoyed having a basic menu plan to guide me.  This year I decided to continue to make a month long menu, and be intentional about using garden produce and preserves from last season.

If you are interested in joining me check out my Pantry Challenge post to get an idea of how to get started.

Here is my plan for this week...

Pizza - home made pizza sauce
Hungry Jack Hotdish, cornbread & a frozen veggie of kids' choice -kid favorite
Chicken Cilantro Enchilada or Hawaiian Chicken - both new recipes I want to try from 'Don't Panic Dinner is in the Freezer'

Banana Bread - my ripe bananas went into the freezer, but I'd like to bake this week if I can make time!

You may be noticing that I'm not using much from my preserved garden produce.  That is because my supply is drawing down to those things that I had A LOT of and my family isn't too happy with me if I feed them something like spaghetti everyday.  I am looking forward to getting some fresh produce from my garden to add to my meals someday soon. :}

Happy Garden Eating! :)

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