On the Road Movie Review
On the Road: Movie Review
Cast: Kristen Stewart, Sam Riley, Garrett Hedlund, Viggo Mortensen, Amy Adams
Director: Walter Salles
Jack Kerouac's infamous book has long been deemed unfilmable - but that doesn't appear to deter Walter Salles from teaming up with the star of Trampiregate 2012, Kristen Stewart.
Sam Riley stars as Sal Paradise, KStew as Mary Lou and Garrett Hedlund as Dean Moriarty in this road trip ramble of a movie.
After the death of his father, Sal, a fledgling but struggling writer, heads out across America with his friend Dean in the hope that the travelling will inspire his writing.
And that's, erm pretty much it in this adaptation which is a sprawling, well acted, but emotionally detached road movie that pretty much encapsulates the feeling I imagine the book would have.
I say imagine, because I've not touched Kerouac's tome so can't tell you if it's true to the tone or the feel or plot points (if they even exist).
In terms of atmosphere, there's certainly plenty of hepcat hedonism and feeling of young pretentiousness afoot but I never really felt deeply engaged in these self absorbed poets/ writers as they shamble through a form of life.
Kristen Stewart finally gets to really emote on the big screen and brings a bit of vibrancy to MaryLou and Riley seriously impresses as Sal, who only really comes to life when others around him flourish.
Beautifully shot with cinematography that really captures the mood of the era, there's as much of a rambling freeform narrative here as there are beats in an ever lasting jazz piece and to be honest, it was a struggle to really care about these guys and the girl who's caught between the life on the road or the fiancee back at home, patiently waiting.
The hedonistic approach of the wannabes lacked any real emotional captivation and despite them giving it their all, it failed to muster any kind of empathy or excitement within.
Though cameos from Amy Adams, Viggo Mortensen and a brilliant Steve Buscemi liven up proceedings, if it weren't for the captivating performances of Sam Riley and Kristen Stewart through a story which weaves and rambles as it winds on its merry way, I would have demanded this ride pulled over mid-way through and let me off.

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