Legend of Faerghail - Review

Game reviewed: Legend of Faerghail
Publisher: reLINE software
Designed: Electronic Design Hannover
Released: 1990
Formats: Pc, Amiga, Atari ST
Version reviewed: Amiga
Difficulty: 5/10
Est. Playing time: 35 hours

The game was designed by Olaf Barthel, a famous guy in the Amiga world. Besides developing several famous amiga programs he also participated in the development of the Amiga OS in the mid 90:s and is still very much active today.

The music composed by Andreas Starr is what distinguishes Faerghail from the ordinary RPGs of the period. The melody is perfectly matched by the atmosphere of the game and greatly enhances the immersion, even tough it is only heard at the introduction. I feel obliged to allow you to listen to the original Amiga score here: 

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