Comedy Fest Questionnaire: Hedluv and Passman

Comedy Fest Questionnaire: Hedluv and Passman

Key for understanding....
Hedluv; H
Passman; P

1) Tell us what your show is called this year?
H+P: 2 Cornish Rappers and a Casiotone

2)  Why?
H: We went for a descriptive title so that no one can complain when it dawns on them that we really are just two Cornish rappers and a Casiotone. Also, it might encourage Cornish people to come and see us
P: There are Cornish people in New Zealand?
3) Can you give us a few hints as to what broadly your festival show is about?
H: It’s a gig… but hopefully a good one. We do quite a lot back home… pubs, birthday parties, weddings etc. The good thing about this show is that it’s quite short – so we can just stick to our best songs
P: Unless we have to do an encore

4) How much time have you spent crafting the show over the past 12 months since the end of the last festival?

H: I’ve been really busy actually – got a kid now and all that
P: And I’ve been mainly working at M&S…
H: I expect we’ll have plenty of time to sort something out on the plane

5) The comedy festival is turning 21 this year – it’s a big age 21 – whatyou’re your memories of being 21? Or if you’re not old enough yet, you lucky person, what are your hopes for being 21?

H: I wrote my first rap,
“I’m 21 and live at home with my parents, it’s okay though because they don’t make me pay rent”
P: We don’t do that one though
H: No

6) The Comedy festival is one big party and catch up for a month - is there anyone you’re looking forward to seeing over here either socially or on stage?

H: I don’t know anybody really
P: It’s difficult to find a way in

7) What’s the comedy scene like at the moment who do you rate and why?

H: I think it’s probably fine – there seems to be plenty of it anyway

8)  What’s the best piece of audience interaction you’ve had?

P: Well, there was this one time somebody laughed… I’m not sure why

9) What’s the most memorable part of performing for you within the last 12 months?

H: It’s funny you only really remember the bad times

10) When we say New Zealand International Comedy Festival to you, what’s the first thing you think of?

H: That’s far away

11) How would you persuade people to come and see your show?

H: It’s been really difficult really
P: Hopefully people will like the posters
H: The trick is not to put people off

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