The Midnight Kitchen is hiring!

***MK is hiring for 5 positions! ***

Deadline is August 9th at Midnight.

Please provide a cover letter and list 3 references. A maximum 1 page cover letter will be accepted through email at or mail courrier at: Midnight Kitchen 3480 Mctavish street room 414 Montreal, QC H3A 0E7

You can apply for multiple positions but please submit a different cv for each position applied for. 

The Midnight Kitchen is a non-profit, volunteer run collective dedicated to serving healthy food to as many people as possible. We aim to empower individuals and communities by providing a working alternative to current market based systems for food collection and distribution. We provide education on food issues, and a space for an exchange of ideas within the community. We recognize that much of the politics surrounding food production and distribution are part of a larger system of oppression. By reclaiming control over the distribution of food in our community we are acting in the pursuit of social and environmental justice and we will support others who share these goals. We organize and act according to principles of anti-oppression.

We are hiring for the following positions:

Driver/Pick-up Coordinator (6-8 hrs per week/8 months, pay scale $11.96, start date: August 26th)

Volunteer Coordinator (8-10 hrs per week/ 8 months, pay scale $14.30, start date: August 26th)

Kitchen Coordinator (12-14 hrs per week/ 8 months, pay scale: $14.56, start date: September 2nd)

Outreach Coordinator (16-18 hrs per week/ 12 months, pay scale: $15.08, start date: August 26th)

Finance Coordinator (16-18 hrs per week/ 12 months, pay scale: $15.08, start date: August 26th)

*The Midnight Kitchen is a collective that uses consensus decision making and is non-hierarchical, all applicants should be prepared to work collaboratively and make decisions in a group*

We conduct hiring on the basis of employment equity. Employment equity is designed to compensate for the nonexistence of a level playing field with regards to people's experiences and job qualifications, given the structural injustice that affects marginalized groups within capitalism. These groups include but are not limited to: indigenous people, people of color, women, queer people, trans* people, people with disabilities, and working class people.

if you wish to be considered for employment equity, include the following sentence in your cover letter ‘I would like to be included for employment equity.’ Please note that we do not require applicants to specify the basis on which they are applying for employment equity.

------ Descriptions Below -------


1. Outreach  Coordinator
  •     Networking with other organizations both on and off campus.
  •     Work a minimum of 3h/week in the kitchen (i.e. at least one coordinating shift)
  •     Organizing a minimum of 2 workshops on social justice topics and other events per semester including the summer, this includes coordinating the annual ‘Put Your Politics where Your Mouth Is’ series, as directed by the Midnight Kitchen collective
  •     Working to update the MK library and purchase new books
  •     Communicating with Alternative Libraries database and attempting to incorporate the Midnight Kitchen Library
  •     Attending Midnight Kitchen collective meetings and updating the collective on political programming, networking, and outreach projects.
  •     Designing workshops that Midnight Kitchen can present
  •     Coordinating making and serving food at the Annual Anarchist Bookfair (summer)
  •     Writing a detailed exit report
  •     Maintaining a log of hours worked
  •     Working with the collective to brainstorm and generate ways that Midnight Kitchen can take political action outside of daily servings and solidarity servings
  •     Coordinating two issues of the Midnight Kitchen newsletter a year (in collaboration with volunteers and the collective)


Desired skillset:

* Knowledge of social justice and anti-oppression

* Organized and able to work autonomously

* Creative and flexible

-* Outgoing

*Experience with consensus decision-making

* Good communication skills

* Experience collaborating on special projects

* Experience with event or workshop planning

* Experience working with other Montreal community based organizations and knowledge of them

* Bilingual (asset)

* Cooking skills (asset)

* Knowledge of radical student organising at McGill (asset)

2. Volunteer Coordinator

Individual responsibilities include:

  •     Creating and updating volunteer schedules
  •     Work at least 3h a week in the kitchen (coordinate 1 shift)
  •     Responding to requests from individuals wishing to become involved with Midnight Kitchen
  •     Working with outreach coordinators on outreach and political materials
  •     Reporting to the collective at meetings regarding volunteer management and recruitment
  •     Bottom-lining strategizing and generating mechanisms for recruitment and retention of new collective members
  •     Acting as a liaison for incoming volunteers
  •     Working with kitchen coordinator to coordinate volunteer and kitchen orientations
  •     Coordinating at least 1 politically oriented volunteer event per semester
  •     Ensure cooking coordinating shifts are covered
  •     Enabling communication between cooking coordinators
  •     Coordinating Midnight Kitchen presence and volunteers at McGill Activities Night volunteer fairs
  •     Writing a detailed exit report

Desired Skillset:

*Approachable and friendly

*Knowledge of social justice and anti-oppression

* Organized and able to work autonomously

* Creative and flexible

* Experience with consensus decision-making

* Good communication skills

* Experience coordinating volunteers

* Experience working with students or youth

* Experience facilitating workshops or orientations

* Bilingual (asset)

* Cooking skills (asset)


3.     Administrative Coordinator

Individual Responsibilities Include:

  •     Managing MK finances in an organized and transparent fashion
  •     Managing daily operations (handling petty cash and reimbursements)
  •     Working with Kitchen Coordinator to ensure replacement and repairs of broken equipment
  •     Prepare a finance update for every collective meeting
  •     Working with the Kitchen Coordinator to coordinate bulk food orders
  •     Working with Kitchen Coordinator and Midnight Kitchen collective to research the potential for large equipment purchases, as needed, and research and apply for grants as needed.
  •     Working with the SSMU (Students’ Society of McGill University) VP of finances and Operations to draft budget for next financial year
  •     Managing the Midnight Kitchen discretionary fund [if palpable]
  •     Working a minimum of 3h/week in the kitchen (i.e. at least one coordinating shift)
  •     Writing contracts for next paid positions
  •     Writing detailed exit report
  •     Develop policy binder for reference to every Midnight Kitchen collective meeting
  •     Looking into health insurance for staff
  •     Maintaining a log of hours worked
  •     Work with other students services with paid positions to figure out possibilities of a union, for people who work under SSMU.

Desired Skillset:

*Experience with accounting and Spred sheets (necessary)

*knowledgeable of Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) finances, administration and policy (asset)

* General knowledge of social justice and anti-oppression

* Organizational skills

* Ability to work autonomously

* Strong communication skills

* Experience in applying for grants (asset)

* Bilingual (asset)

*Experience navigating bureaucracy


4. Kitchen Coordinator

Individual responsibilities include:
  • Working with Administrative/Finance Coordinator to ensure replacement and repairs of broken equipment
  • Working with Administrative/Finance Coordinator to coordinate bulk food order
  • Attending collective meetings and reporting back on kitchen operations and logistics
  • Working with Administrative/Finance Coordinator and Midnight Kitchen collective to research the potential for large equipment purchases, as needed.
  • Increasing the physical accessibility of space and safety
  • Working a minimum of 3h/week in the kitchen (i.e. at least one coordinating shift)
  •  Coordinating food safety trainings as necessary
  • Working with the Administrative/Finance Coordinator on making small purchases to maintain the daily functioning of the kitchen (i.e. keeping the kitchen stocked with dish rags, soap, oven mitts, etc.)
  • Writing a detailed exit report

*Working with SSMU on booking the kitchen and other policies, coordinating all kitchen bookings.


Desired Skillset:

* General knowledge of social justice and anti-oppression

* Organizational skills

* Ability to work autonomously

*Experience with grant writing (asset)

* Strong communication skills

* Bilingual (asset)

*Experience managing bureaucracy

*Experience working in a commercial kitchen, knowledge of food security measures.

5. Pickup Coordinator/Driver

Tasks include:

  • Driving to Midnight Kitchen food pickup locations, collecting food donations, and delivering it to the Midnight Kitchen two times per week
  • Doing other driving based on organizational needs as determined by the collective
  • Liaising with the Midnight Kitchen collective to ensure that all pickups occur as scheduled
  • Working with the Midnight Kitchen collective to communicate with food donors and maintain positive relationships
  • Writing a detailed exit report


Desired Skillset:

* General knowledge of social justice and anti-oppression
* A Valid Drivers’ license

* Access to a vehicle of sufficient size for the three weekly pickups

* Ability to lift boxes that weigh approximately 20lbs

- Bilingualism (an asset)

Tasks shared among all paid positions include (Finance, Outreach, Kitchen, and Volunteer):

  •  Working on internal relationship building and internal capacity of the collective. This includes having a minimum of one workshop on: consensus, facilitation, and anti-oppression in the fall and winters semesters (total of 3 workshops/semester). Suggestion: Coordinate a minimum of 3 collective dinners or events each semester.
  •     Keeping the office and kitchen clean and organized including keeping computer and printer functional
  •     Maintaining communication with the Students’ Society of McGill University executive
  •     Respond to emails and other Midnight Kitchen correspondence, including emails, in a timely fashion.
  •     Coordinate hiring procedures and have positions evaluated and contracts approved by the time new people are hired (including summer position)
  •     Work on documentation and maintain collective memory (including keeping records of your work, and compiling and organizing collective and committee meeting minutes)
  •     Being aware of and up-to-date on all policy
  •     Generating strategy/mechanisms for actively recruitment of new collective members throughout the year
  •     Updating outreach media, promo materials, website, facebook, consider twitter.
  •     Working on making the kitchen a more physically accessible space (have an accessibility audit)
  •     Working on maintaining MK internal network. Try to generate mechanisms to stay in touch with past volunteers/collective members.
  •     Keeping track of events and meetings in order to respond to general inquiries
  •     Assisting with the annual ‘Put Your Politics where Your Mouth Is’ workshop series, as directed by the Midnight Kitchen collective
  •     Ensuring that the task of facilitating collective meeting is rotated
  •     Coordinating a collective “Visioning” meeting once a semester
  •     Shared tasks with volunteer collective members whenever possible.

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