Doctor Who: The Tenth Planet: DVD Review

Doctor Who: The Tenth Planet: DVD Review

Rating: PG
Released by BBC And Roadshow Home Entertainment

William Hartnell's swansong as the First Doctor gets a release - and an animated last episode to see it off.

This four part serial saw the first ever introduction of the Cybermen; in this serial, the Doctor and his companions Ben and Polly materialise at the south pole in 1986; their arrival coincides with the appearance of Earth's twin planet and the creatures that dwell within. Soon, the Doctor and his companions and those living at the pole are fighting for their lives.

Not exactly the best of the Hartnell era, The Tenth Planet gets by on the fact that fans know it's the first ever regeneration of the Doctor, brought in after Hartnell got seriously ill; the animation of the final episode fills in the gaps, but it's never going to be a match for the actual episode, which remains missing.

The story lacks full answers as to what's going on, but it's a nicely put together piece which has tension and scares but doesn't quite hit its full potential.

Extras include a making of, a few pieces on the companions and an interview with Hartnell after he left the role which seems to show he wasn't happy about going. A not unspectacular bunch, and giving a degree of respectability to the set that's much needed.

More iconic for the regeneration reasons, Doctor Who: The Tenth Planet remains an essential addition to the library of any true Who fan.


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