Review: Rouge Legacy
Rouge Legacy made it's way to PS4 and PSvita at the beginning of the month and it's safe to say I am hooked on this little indie rage box.
So the game consists of you fighting your way through a castle, defeating all the bosses and trying to put a good name out for yourself and your hires.
Sounds simple enough right? Well it would be if the dungeon wasn't randomly generated each time and full of various level monsters. And the bosses weren't so over powered. But it's an addictive thing.
Everytime you die, you pick an heir which has slightly different traits to the previous and will either be weaker or stronger in battle. You can also use money to spend over a very tasty skill tree and through various NPCs.
One of the little nasty addition to this game was that each time you re enter the castle, all of your current money gets taken from you. So spend wisely heroes.
The game in itself is a very little addictive one, and it has the essence of a 'one more turn' style game before you realise it's 2am and you haven't eaten since midday.
I thoroughly enjoyed this one and I am just replaying it now on vita - if you buy it from the store it's cross platform so you get it for both consoles. Huzzah!
If you enjoy small indie titles which can make you rage quit, plus love it all in one go then pick this up.
Amy x
P.S it has sexy bearded lady knights, hubba hubba.
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