A new chapter begins for OGUK


Welcome all readers, those returning & any visiting us for the first time, to our new site. Roughly a week ago now another milestone was passed here as the 2nd year of OGUK ended and our 3rd year began.
I've been here since the very first day and it hasn't seemed like 2 years of work has flown past already, but maybe I'm just getting old. It's about time things got spruced up a little around here though wouldn’t you say? To be honest using Blogger has been good for the most part. It's allowed us to grow & become comfortable with reviews etc, as well as build a relationship with some publishers that fit into what we are about here, without having to worry about costs & overheads. To be honest with our readers though, some publishers do turn their noses up to that approach. It's why you may have noticed some games, even niche ones, we have either reviewed or posted content on late – or not at all. This new site will act as a relaunch and a statement of intent. It'll give our readers something much more pleasant to look at, whilst boosting our setup to publishers which should allow us to bring you more timely news & reviews going forward.

Our resident indie guru, Des Mayer, found himself with some spare time not too long ago and started work on building our new home. We've been double posting content during the past couple of weeks before going live so it isn't so barren here as we were looking to start afresh, but I am keeping our Blogger open in the coming days just in case there's a need for the older content (You may be able to find a link around here somewhere if you want to go back at any time) For the moment we'll be digging into our own pockets to fund the costs of running this site, so there won't be any intrusive ads etc for now. Some of the guys have been prodding me regarding ads for a while now, we are all just average joe's who enjoy games when life & work allows, but I've been holding off. I may have found a way to generate revenue without ads to keep the site self-sufficient in the future, so hopefully our readers will appreciate an ad free outlook for us! There's still some tweaks to be done within the next few days or so (hopefully all will be ironed out before Des goes to EGX to get us some scoops!), the sites probably only about 90% done as new artwork needs to be finalised and there's still a few things we need to bring over from the old website. We also still have some more community based ideas we'll be looking in to, as well as competitions, tournaments etc - so there's still a few more announcements to come in the near future. If your interested in getting involved with writing anything here, then get in touch. We are always looking to recruit enthusiasts like ourselves and aren't afraid to offer a chance to those that are keen but lack experience. Suggestions & ideas are always welcomed here from our readers too, so drop us an email or contact someone from the site via the various means at any time (we'll be getting all new email addresses for contacting the site & staff very soon, but our outlook (otakugamersuk@outlook.com) is still open just in case) We hope you'll continue to visit as we grow our little corner of the internet

New Site: www.otakugamers.uk
Old Content: http://otakugamersuk.blogspot.co.uk/

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