Red Dead Redemption 2 Rumours Smell of Truth

Whether you call it wishful thinking or an educated guess, there's no disputing that the likelihood of another Red Dead game making its way through development and into our sweaty palms is pretty damn good after the success of the last instalment of the game.

So there are rumours flying around that an ex-employee of Rockstar has leaked information that Red Dead Redemption 2: Legends of the West has been in development for the last four years. Although this information isn't confirmed, I wouldn't pass it off as complete and utter B.S just yet. Although the finer details may be off, there's one thing for certain that there is very likely something Read Dead coming our way soon. It would be madness to ignore this powerful and very successful franchise.

So the rumours further suggest that there will be an official announcement at this year's E3, unless Rockstar decide to break their silence beforehand to end the speculation and begin their marketing campaign. Further to this rumour is another one that revolves around a remastered version of last generation's Red Dead Redemption coming to our newest consoles sometime later this year.

Well, whenever Red Dead Redemption 2 or whatever it will be called comes to shelves, I will be expecting a large expansive map with vibrant and very alive environments to play around in. Bring it on please...please and pretty please.

Lucas Aurelius.

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