Darksiders Warmastered Still Coming to Wii U With a Release Date

Darksiders Warmastered Edition was confirmed for Wii U but had been rumored to be canceled due to silence from the developers. However, this has recently been disproven with a release date.
Darksiders Warmastered Edition will launch on Wii U on May 23, 2017, from publisher THQ Nordic. This new edition of the game is an improved version of the 2010 release. It will run at 1080p on PS4, Xbox One and PC at 60 frames per second, while the Wii U version will be at 30 fps.

The Wii U title will retail at $19.99.

In a backward development, the game's sequel, Darksiders II already saw a remastering on PS4, Xbox One and PC in 2015. In the same year, talk of a Darksiders 3 was tossed around but never fulfilled.

With the release of Darksiders Warmastered Edition, the option of a third entry may not entirely be off the table.

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