Watch Sea of Thieves reveals new Developer Gameplay video in full 4K

As Sea of Thieves continues its extensive Closed Alpha phase, Rare has once again released another edition of Developer Gameplay, this time focusing on the Engineering Team and their quest to find treasure marked by Four Feathers. In the video, the team encounters an island, much like the one seen during the E3 2017 gameplay demo, and shows how quickly plans can fall apart and why thinking and acting on the fly can be its own greatest reward.
Here it is:

The demo is the perfect example of how you can be so far apart in Sea of Thieves, but still dynamically take on a role in order to keep the team moving towards your goal. Be it keeping your pirate ship out of harm's way from enemy players or taking out the skeleton cannoneer trying to bombard your vessel from the shore. There seem to be so many possibilities with the game, and it's exciting to see it all come together.
Sea of Thieves still doesn't have a concrete release date, but is said to be coming sometime in "Early 2018." If you're interested in checking out the game as it is right now, you can still sign up to be a part of the Insider Program, which lets you take part in periodic playtests. Assuming, of course, you get chosen by the devs.

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